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Outlet Plug In Wax Warmer

$19.95 USD


Candle Addicts, it's time to join the melt-olution!

Outlet Wax Melt Warmer

Pair with Black Light Candles Wax Melts 

Our Outlet Plug In Wax Warmer provides a convenient, flame-free solution to enjoying all-natural fragrance throughout your home.

We especially love this size for smaller spaces like powder rooms, dorms, even your bedroom (this one doubles as a night-light). Perfect as a stocking stuffer or baby shower/hostess gift!

1. Add 1-2 Wax Cubes to silicone dish

2. Enjoy Fragrance as Cube Melts and scent your space 

3. Once wax is cool, pop it out of silicone dish for easy clean up.

Warmer Features
*Silicone Dish for Quick and Easy Clean - Up
*Perfect for Kitchens and Bathrooms
*Stylish Designs to fit your decor
*Rotatable Base for any outlet
*Includes 15W Incandescent Bulb
What is a Wick Free | Soy Wax Melt ? 

A Black Light Soy Wax Melt is a scented piece of 3oz soy wax. Our wick free scents are much like what you'd find in a Black Light Soy Candle - but without the wick!

To fill your home with fragrance without the flame, you simply warm up and melt the soy wax melt using either an electric burner, a tea light heated burner or our Outlet Plug In Wax Warmer.

Wick Free | Soy Wax Melt are the perfect addition to homes with small children or pets. Set it and no worries about open flames.

Our Wax Melts are made from 100% Soy Wax & infused with fragrance oils. 


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